President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Monday that boosting the tourism industry required a multi-faceted strategy. ''We, in the Philippines, have no less than 7,641 beautiful reasons to tap the potential of our tourism sector, for which our archipelagic nation is internationally renowned and from which many Filipinos derive their livelihood,'' Marcos said in his third State of the Nation Address at the Batasang Pambansa.

''While a resurgence in this all-important sector is being observed, pre-pandemic data presents to us a great challenge that we must surpass. It is a challenge that is well within our grasp,'' he added. Marcos said that the country’s infrastructure and digital reforms were all calculated to boost the productivity of the tourism sector.

“While doing so, we shall interpose the wholesome and hospitable Filipino brand in all the key tourism touch points — from tourist arrival all the way to departure,” he said. "The focus is now on 'experiential tourism,'" Marcos said, adding that food, culture, heritage, the arts, education, halal and Islamic traditions, diving, cruises, farm and eco-tourism, and sports ''have become potent subjects and products of a nation’s tourism.'' ''It is imperative that we elevate and expand our understanding of the 'one town, one product,' or OTOP, concept.

It must not inhibit, but rather, inspire. We must not rest content to have just 'one.' Rather, we must seek the 'optimal' number of high-quality products and services, whic.