A new study reveals the US states with the highest obesity rates, underscoring an escalating problem affecting America. This study finds that over one-third of adults in 24 states have a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 or higher, classifying them as .

This comes as part of a broader concern, as 33.6% of the general adult population in the US falls into the obese category. The was analyzed by Flex AI, a free app revealing the nationwide and state-specific obesity rates of adults with a BMI of 30.

0 or higher based on self-reported height and weight. West Virginia tops the list with the highest obesity rate at 41%, while Colorado has the lowest at 25%. This new research sheds light on the states grappling with high obesity rates, highlighting that nearly half the states have over 33.

3% of their adult population classified as obese. Amin Niri, CEO of said: "The US is one of the most obese countries in the world, with its ranking significantly higher when focusing on high-income countries. "While there are numerous factors which play a part in this, the large portion sizes consumed by many Americans and inactive lifestyles are largely responsible.

The combination of a higher calorie intake combined with less movement to burn through the excess inevitably results in weight gain. "It is recommended adults engage in moderate aerobic activity for at least 150 minutes a week, or vigorous aerobic activity for at least 75 minutes. Small changes in your routine can help you achieve this, wi.