"ManyamDheerudu," a film that revives the life of the legendary revolutionary Alluri Sitarama Raju, is a fresh attempt to reintroduce his bravery to the audience. Despite several films being made on Alluri's life, this new adaptation, directed by Naresh Dekkal and produced by RVV Satyanarayana, who also stars in the titular role, brings a renewed perspective. As the film hits theatres, let’s see how it fares at box-office.

Story: The movie revolves around Alluri Sitarama Raju, the brave leader who fought against the British rulers to protect the rights of the tribal people. As the British imposed heavy taxes on the already struggling villagers, Alluri stood up against the oppression, leading an armed rebellion. The story showcases significant moments from Alluri's life, such as his raids on British police stations, his inspirational leadership, and his efforts to awaken the tribal population to fight for their freedom.

The central conflict focuses on Alluri’s battle with the British forces and his efforts to protect the land and people from exploitation. Performances: RVV Satyanarayana, who also produced the film, delivers a convincing portrayal of Alluri Sitarama Raju. His dedication to the role is evident, particularly in the action sequences involving horse riding and archery, which add a sense of realism.

GV Trinath, as Mallu Dora, Alluri's ally, also shines in his performance, offering strong support to the narrative. Umed Kumar as the British collector Ruthar Ford i.