Many Greek islands’ occupancy rates hit 100% or were close to that this summer season. However, destinations acessible by car in Greece underperformed with tourism officials noting fewer tourist and those who did arrive spending less money. The list of islands that were fully booked contain many of the “usual suspects”, including the traditional go-to-islands for foreign tourist in the South Aegean, such as Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Mykonos, and Santorini.

Meanwhile, many other Greek islands’ occupancy rates exceed 90%, as indicated by statements from officials who spoke to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (AMNA). Some of the islands mentioned by officials include: Naxos – Small Cyclades: The island had high occupancy rates throughout the summer with Vangelis Katsaras, Deputy Mayor of Tourism for the Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades saying, “In August, occupancy rates are very high, with both Greek and international visitors from Europe, America, Australia, and elsewhere showing their trust in our destinations.” Ios: August occupancy rates were above 90%.

“Despite the unfavorable conditions this year, with energy and transportation costs leaving their mark everywhere, August saw occupancy rates exceeding 90% during several periods. Significant efforts are being made by both the Municipality and professionals to upgrade services and enrich the tourist ‘product’ with new cultural events, sports activities, and experiential travel experiences in activiti.