Renowned actor Manoj Bajpayee , an icon of Indian parallel cinema, has recently added another feather to his cap by winning his fourth National Award. The award was bestowed upon him for his outstanding performance in the streaming movie Gulmohar, further cementing his status as a powerhouse in Indian cinema. Bajpayee, who has become somewhat of a veteran at the National Awards, expressed his joy and gratitude for the recognition.

In an exclusive interview with IANS, the actor shared his thoughts on the honor, as well as his views on the prevalent practice of lobbying for awards in the film industry. Reflecting on his latest achievement, Bajpayee said, “I always feel ecstatic and great whenever I receive an award like the National Award. It's a huge thing for me, especially in times when everyone lobbies for every award.

” The actor, who has been a part of the Indian film industry for over three decades and is also a recipient of the Padma Shri, the fourth-highest civilian award in India, emphasized that he has never engaged in lobbying for accolades. Discussing the ethics surrounding award lobbying, Bajpayee was clear in his stance: “No award in my house has been lobbied or pushed for from my side. That is completely against my principles.

I have always said that if I lobby for awards, how could I look at those awards every single day in my house?” His commitment to letting his work speak for itself has been a guiding principle throughout his illustrious career. For B.