Our skincare routine often skips hand care, and it is a very less-known fact that well-nourished and groomed hands have their charm. There is something about the good-looking, nicely manicured-hands that lifts your whole look. However, maintaining them is a little tricky, especially because they go through so much in our day-to-day life—from getting dark due to environmental factors to becoming dry with frequent use of soaps and detergents.

While prioritising hand care is essential, resorting to just skincare products won’t do any good. Like every routine that needs your constant attention for effective results, you should regularly give your hands the TLC they deserve. While making frequent visits to salons sounds tiresome, a quick, easy, and effective way to treat your hands would be to indulge in a wholesome manicure session at home.

The best part? You don’t have to splurge on expensive products; a few quality tools and natural ingredients from your kitchen will do the magic. So, treat your dry and dull hands at home by learning easy manicure techniques of cleaning, shaping, exfoliating, and moisturising. Not to worry! To make your job easy, we have curated a guide of six must-do steps to protect your hands and keep them looking their best.

Prep and Cleanse: Start by soaking your hands in a bowl of warm water mixed with lemon juice and salt. This helps soften the skin, cleanse, and gently exfoliate. Soak for about 5-10 minutes, then pat dry.

Nail Care: Apply a small a.