Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard the car ran over her leg and smashed her face into a stone wall outside Great Harwood Cricket Club in Old Blackburn Road She suffered a broken leg and a bleed on the brain among other injuries from the crash on August 12, 2023. The driver, Greg Brooks, left the scene in his 1.2 ton Audi Q2 SUV without stopping and later claimed he thought he had just clipped a wing mirror on the wall.

Brooks, 59, of Singletons Avenue, Read, pleaded guilty to causing serious injury to Susan Entwistle by careless driving. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 20 days of rehabilitation activity requirements and 200 hours of unpaid work. He was also banned from driving for 18 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said she was "very surprised" Brooks had not been charged with failing to stop at the scene of a crash. "It beggars belief that he did not know he had hit a person and thought he had clipped a wall," said District Judge Preston. She said the victim was hit from behind as she walked her dog on what she described as a "beautiful evening".

"She does not remember the collision but it has left her with lasting physical and emotional scars," said District Judge Preston. "As you didn't stop she lay unconscious on the pavement and a passer called the ambulance for her. She spent 12 days in hospital as a result of her injuries.

"It is hard to understand how you could have run a w.