Some people want to . Some people want row the Atlantic. Some people want to hike the entire .

But Colorado sales director Braden Roggow had another ambition – to run a full 26.2-mile marathon around his local McDonald’s in a challenge he called a “McMarathon”. So that’s what he did last month.

This meant looping round his local McDonald’s 187 times on a 740-foot circuit. He broke the marathon up into 47-lap sessions, and after each session, he switched directions in the parking lot. And he didn’t fuel himself with and – he scoffed one item from the McDonald’s menu each time he changed direction, specifically: • One medium black hot coffee • One large powerade • One medium iced coffee • Three hash browns • One sausage and egg McMuffin “You get the carbs.

It’s salty. It’s delicious,” he told . “I see McDonald’s as the perfect running food—that’s just me, though.

” He eventually completed the challenge in three hours and seven minutes, which sounds like a time that’s waiting for some other fast-food-loving runner to best (not that we think Guinness World Records are ever going to make it all official). His own proper marathon personal best is 2 hours 45 minutes, but he says, “this marathon was definitely the most memorable and the most meaningful”. And the only dodgy moment was, “a close call with a bathroom pit stop,” though he hastens to add that had nothing to do with the food upsetting his stomach.

Amazingly, Roggow was.