A man living on a ‘nightmare junction’ in Adlington has called for action from Lancashire County Council after multiple cars have crashed into his property causing damage worth hundreds of pounds. Andy Chadwick’s property on Westhoughton Street on the Rawlinson junction has been the site of multiple car accidents including one collision that went through the gas main at the side of the property. Andy has contacted the Parish Council for help with reaching the Lancashire County Council on making the Rawlinson junction safer, including the suggestion of traffic lights or a barrier, both of which were later rejected by the Lancashire County Council.

Andy said: “The cars are flying along here, there’s been a crash nearly every couple of weeks. “The site could do with speed cameras to help slow down the traffic and give people a chance to leave the junction. “There’s lots of people walking and walking their dogs down this route, they don’t have a good chance to get across the junction in time as cars are flying at them” “The Lancashire County Council couldn’t put up traffic lights without taking down an old telephone pole next to the junction and they are unable to as they remain unclear about who owns this pole.

” Andy with the damage to his house. (Image: NQ) Andy states that LCC have also rejected the idea to install restraint barriers leading onto the junction. In the six months, Andy has experienced two collisions directly involving his property and l.