Mallika Sherawat's old video from over a decade ago saying 'India is regressive' for women has resurfaced on social media. Now, amid the Kolkata rape-murder case, Mallika took to her Instagram and shared the clip, stating that she was 'attacked and bullied' for making the statement so many years ago. Sharing the clip of her old statement, which also had the mention of the case of rape and murder of a trainee doctor in Kolkata, Mallika wrote in the caption: “I still can’t forget this moment when I was attacked & bullied by a certain section of the Indian press for speaking out against gang rapes and sexual violence in India !! Some WOMEN in the press and some very big names Bollywood FEMALE ACTRESSES joined the chorus & publicly attacked me for speaking out against gang rapes & sexual violence.

” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mallika Sherawat (@mallikasherawat) The actress further added, "This phenomenon highlights a troubling dynamic where instead of supporting someone who’s advocating for change, these women in influential positions are engaging to silence the voice of women like me! This behavior perpetuates a culture of silence & complicity that allows sexual violence to continue. It’s crucial for women especially women in the public eye to stand in solidarity & use their platforms to support rather than vilify, those who speak out against such injustices.” The video is from 2013, when the reporter asked Mallika Sherawat why she thinks India is re.