KUALA LUMPUR: ‘Tegkang’, a film about a closely guarded secret in a village on the highlands of Bario, Sarawak, has won the Best New Filmmaker Award at the First-Time Filmmaker Showcase. The film was selected on Sept 18 as part of the prestigious Lift-Off Sessions hosted by Lift-Off Global Network at Pinewood Studios in London. With this win, ‘Tegkang’ qualifies to compete in the final round of the Season Awards, an annual event at Pinewood Studios, which celebrates the best projects of the Lift-Off season.

‘Tegkang’, written and directed by Josh Nawan, tells the story of life in a remote village that has kept a closely guarded secret for years and which begins to unravel with the arrival of a visitor who befriends a local girl. The film also highlights the uniqueness of Bario, not only as a beautiful location but also as a place rich in cultural experiences including traditional festivals and age-old rituals rarely seen by the outside world. Josh was proud that ‘Tegkang’, meaning rainbow in the Kelabit language, had been recognised by the jury and stood out among other great films.

He said the recognition is a matter of great pride for the Kelabit community, an indigenous Dayak group from the Sarawak highlands including Bario, as they have been rarely represented in the arts. "I am truly grateful for the opportunity to share a story so deeply rooted in heritage and thankful that this film will now reach even more audiences," he said in a statement today. Mean.