Hyderabad: The Malayali community in the city on Sunday, geared up for the vibrant Onam festivities. The event, organised by the Nair Service Society, took place in Bowenpally and was graced by the presence of Aditya Varma, the prince of Travancore Palace. The celebration began with the attendees observing a moment of silence to honour the victims of the tragic landslide in Wayanad, reflecting the community’s solidarity and compassion.
Onam, a harvest festival deeply rooted in Kerala’s rich cultural heritage, symbolises the return of the legendary King Mahabali, whose reign is believed to have been a golden era of prosperity and happiness. It is a time when families decorate their homes with beautiful floral arrangements called ‘Pookalam’, and enjoy the traditional meal known as ‘Sadya.’ The venue was adorned with colorful decorations, including intricate flower carpets and traditional oil lamps, creating a mesmerizing ambiance.
Attendees, dressed in traditional attire, eagerly participated in various cultural programs that showcased the heritage of Kerala. Prince Aditya Varma , speaking about the significance of Onam, said, “Onam is a time for unity and celebration. It reminds us of the importance of coming together as a community and cherishing the bonds we share.
I am delighted to be part of this joyous occasion and to witness the enthusiasm of the Malayali community in the city.” He also emphasized the relevance of harvest festivals, adding, “The world a.