In a jolt to Malayalam actor Siddique, the Kerala High Court on Tuesday (September 24) refused to grant anticipatory bail in a rape case filed against him by an actress. The case against Siddique was registered based on a complaint by an actress who accused him of raping her at the state-owned Hotel in the state capital city in 2016. This former actress came forward with her complaint soon after the explosive Hema Committee report, which was published last month and brought out the pitiable condition of women in the Malayalam film industry.

Hema Committee Report: Malayalam Actor Siddique Moves Kerala High Court Seeking Anticipatory Bail in Sexual Assault Case . Since then there has been a steady stream of complaints from yesteryear actresses against actors, directors and producers in the Malayalam film industry. Siddique got into trouble when the actress, who initially hesitated to file a police complaint, later emailed the State Police Chief alleging that Siddique raped her after she refused to give in to his demands for sexual favours in exchange for a role in a Tamil movie.

When this revelation came Siddique, who was recently elected as the general secretary of AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes) quit the post. Thereafter, the entire committee chaired by President Mohanlal also resigned. On Tuesday (September 24), Siddique strongly put his stance that this particular actress has been harassing him since 2019 by making repeated claims on social media that he trie.