Veteran Malayalam actor Siddique has lodged a complaint with Kerala police against actress Revathy Sampath after she accused him of sexual misconduct, officials said on Monday. According to an official with Kerala Police, actor Siddique has lodged a complaint against actress Revathy Sampath, who had earlier accused him of sexual harassment. "The complaint has been submitted to Director General of Police," he said.

ADVERTISEMENT This comes after actress Revathy Sampath accused , who is general secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), of sexual misconduct. In a media interaction, the actress had alleged that the incident happened when she was 21 years old. She stated that Siddique initially contacted her on Facebook, addressing her as "Mole," a term often used in Kerala to refer to a young girl or daughter.

"After completing my Plus Two, I had a terrible experience. Siddique sent me messages on Facebook. I had come to discuss a film.

This incident occurred when I was 21 years old. He first approached me by calling me 'Mole.' There was abuse from Siddique's side.

During the discussion, he sexually abused me. The face he shows now is not the one I saw back then," Revanthy said. Alleging that Siddique sexually abused her, both physically and mentally, the actress said, "He assaulted me, both physically and mentally.

Siddique is a criminal. I went through severe mental trauma. It even affected my professional life.

No system stood by me. It took me a long tim.