Amid the increasing reportage of sexual assault cases against women in India and the release of the Hema Committee report, a clip of actress Malavika Sreenath has been going viral. The clip is actually from an interview Malavika Sreenath gave a year back but is now being circulated by fans who are discussing the revelations of the Hema Committee reports that range from sexual abuses of actresses to male-powered lobbies within the industry. .

The viral clip had Malavika Sreenath detail her own casting couch incident when she was approached by an agent for a film. She was told that the movie has Manju Warrier in the lead and she would be auditioning for her daughter's role. The actress reveals how, during the audition, the man who was conducting it misbehaved with her and tried to sexually assault her, even though her mother and her sister were sitting outside the room.

The actress revealed how she managed to escape his advances, ran out of the room and nearly collided with a bus. She also alleged that she had two or three more bad experiences with the casting couch. by in However, the actress is disappointed with the renewed circulation of the video linking it to the Hema Committee report, and people are making wrong assumptions about which movie she had auditioned for.

While we went through the fan chatter, many assumed this audition was for U , where Manju Warrier played a working mother and had a teenage daughter, a role that Anaswara Rajan played. . In a statement on Insta.