Fever is a common symptom of both malaria and dengue, two mosquito-borne diseases prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions. However, distinguishing between them is crucial for effective treatment and management. Expert shares way to differentiate between dengue and malaria symptoms New Delhi: With the onset of monsoon, the cases of dengue, malaria and Zika virus are on the rise.

The waterlogging cases due to rain have made it a breeding ground for vector-borne diseases. Various places in India have reported a spike in dengue and malaria cases including, Bengaluru, Maharastra, Odisha, Delhi and other parts of the National Capital Regions. According to an economic report, Maharastra saw a striking 122 per cent in dengue in just one year while malaria deaths saw a decline of 17 per cent in the state.

Symptoms of both Malaria and Dengue are almost similar and how to differentiate between both vector-borne diseases. Dr Akash Shah , Consultant Pathologist, Neuberg Diagnostic shared with News9 , “Fever is a common symptom of both malaria and dengue, two mosquito-borne diseases prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions. However, distinguishing between them is crucial for effective treatment and management.

Understanding the differences in symptoms, transmission, and diagnostic methods can help identify the cause of the fever.” Transmission • Malaria: Caused by Plasmodium parasites, malaria is transmitted through the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. There .