The Musaka family has finally unveiled a tombstone for the late Zimdancehall star “Makuruwani” Soul Jah Love. Soul Jah Love, born Soul Muzavazi Musaka, died on 16 February 2021 at 31. He succumbed to diabetes.

Musaka Family Erects A Tombstone For Soul Jah Love Over the past three years, the Musaka family has been on blast for abandoning Soul Jah Love’s grave. The star’s resting place had no tombstone, only rocks and wilted flowers, with a little sign with his name, date of birth, and date of death. Soul Jah Love’s bitter rival Seh Calaz even reprimanded the family last year: “Pane Mari hama dzake will show up.

Unongonzwa munhu akuita event akuti ndakapedza ne family yake ndakapa hama dzake percentage yakadai padeal, but on issues se aya havawanikwe. Sauro paaimba nezve Hama dzake maitikudhakwa here? “Now Tarisai Ava makore mangani mukoma afa? Kunhamo kwaiva nehama dzake dzakawanda. Dzakauya kuzomuchema.

Ndakatoona kuine vanhu veChikuru vaitogara kuhigh table but nanhasi vakangosiya zvakadaro. Chikonzero ndivo vanoziva.” ALSO READ: Seh Calaz Blasts Soul Jah Love’s Relatives Over His Dilapidated Grave After the public embarrassment over Soul Jah Love’s grave, the family has finally erected a tombstone for the Ndini Uya Uya hitmaker.

The high-pillared granite clack gravestone has one of his most popular pictures, and on top it is inscribed, “Ngwendeza. Soul Jah Luv hachisi chinhu. Zvinhu.

Makuruwani.” The Musaka family adorned the area around the tombston.