Bola A. Akinterinwa President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (PBAT) has a publicly misunderstood mania of political governance (Tinubumania) based on ‘Emi l’Okan’ philosophy. ‘Emi l’Okan are Yoruba words meaning ‘it is my turn.

’ PBAT never gave any particular meaning or methodological exegesis of it. However, ‘Emi l’Okan implies that fairness and justice should be allowed in Nigeria’s presidential successorship system. He explained that he had helped many others to clinch state power, that he had been tolerant, waiting for his turn, and therefore, there could not be any good reason to deny him his own turn.

And true, he was not denied. He was elected and inaugurated on May 29, 2023 Emi l’Okan philosophy is predicated on surprise-giving, tolerance-driven and me-tooism style of governance. He believes that giving Nigerians surprises might make Nigerians enthusiastic and supportive.

PBAT would not be bordered if his surprises are not well received. In other words, with or without the people’s support, Emi l’Okan as a policy philosophy should prevail. This is one interpretation of his many official actions so far.

For example, in his maiden presidential address to the Nigerian people on May 29, 2023, he said ‘fuel subsidy is gone,’ meaning that the policy of fuel subsidy had been thrown into the garbage of history.’ The policy decision was announced without expatiation. As a result, the announcement has generated much fury and divided the political class.
