Making friends with the new machines Published 3:50 pm Wednesday, July 24, 2024 By Editor By Bonnie Brown Columnist For those of you who didn’t read a much earlier column about my washer and dryer, let merefresh the details. I had a Whirlpool washer and dryer purchased from Lowe’s many years ago. It was bisque, which is to say it was beige.

I loved this set. The washing machine had a dial that would allow me to back up and add another item of clothing, adjust the amount of water, and did a great job of cleaning our clothes. Neither was the top of the line, but these machines got the job done.

Until they didn’t. The washing machine repairman probably made things worse, so we decided it was time to purchase a new washer and dryer. They had served us well for many years.

I mourned the loss of my trusted machines, but when I saw the new machines on the showroom floor (all white, by the way), I was impressed. They were larger, had more dials and functions, and the washing machine had a sexy glass lid. I was excited to make the purchase and welcome these Maytag beauties to our home.

At first, I was concerned that Ms. Washing Machine (I named her) was not adding enough water. I raised the sexy glass lid to check the water level and the settings, and when I closed it, Ms.

WM added a bit more water. I was on to something! Yay! The setting I had chosen was for medium soil level. It took Ms.

WM such a long time to complete the cycle. I would have been able to advance the cycle on .