1. A five-year Global Entry membership that'll *also* include TSA PreCheck for when you're getting out of Dodge. It'll seriously shorten your security line times and end up being a great value if you get out of the country at least once a year and fly domestically a few times annually.

(This combo is $15–22 more than five years of PreCheck alone.) Cheers to your full breakfast spread you'll be eating post-security while others are in the regular line, taking off their shoes (ick). I put off getting TSA PreCheck and even Global Entry for YEARS despite flying ~10x a year because I'm a person who likes to get to the airport early and have getting through security down to an efficient routine.

However, my breaking point was July 2021 when I had to wait soooo long at the airport when coming back to the country from Croatia (I had Mobile Passport at the time, but the machines were broken — they almost always are — so I had to wait in line with everyone else). I went to Italy about a month later after signing up for Global Entry and coming back into the country was a breeze. I just had to let a machine take my picture, print out a receipt with said picture, and then place it in a nearby TSA agent's open palm.

Then onto baggage claim! I've since used the Global Entry portion six times and the TSA PreCheck about a dozen times since getting it. So I feel as if I've already gotten my money's worth in ~three years. Apply with the Department of Homeland Security for $100 .

Once you'.