Gagosian is set to unveil a new solo exhibition entitled At One by legendary Light and Space artist James Turrell at its Le Bourget location in France. The show is being hailed as the largest survey on Turrell’s work in Europe over the past 25 years, and will present an array of early projection works, woodblock etchings, as well as several new installations, Ganzfeld, All Clear (2024) and Either Or (2024), the latter from his Wedgework series. Since the 1960s, Turrell, alongside fellow luminaries in Dan Flavin and Robert Irwin , shifted the paradigm on art by pivoting from traditional painterly modes of expression, in favor of utilizing light itself as both the conceptual and material basis to explore perceptions of space.

Turrell was notably inspired by the Ganzfeld effect, the phenomena that occurs when the brain is deprived of visual stimulation, subsequently amplifying neural noise to fill gaps in tangible information. Located on the ground floor of the gallery, Ganzfeld, All Clear (2024) bathes audiences in color, creating a setting that is dizzying as it is meditative — akin to skiing in whiteout conditions or diving in the deep expanses of the sea. “We usually use light to illuminate things,” Turrell once mused.

“I am interested in the ‘thingness’ of light itself. Light does not so much reveal, as it is the revelation itself.” Alongside Turrell’s light-oriented studies are archival prints, holograms, models, photographs and two lap desks that the art.