Huge revisions to planning regulations could result in the annual number of houses built in North Lincolnshire nearly doubling. This may include using farmland for new homes and additional wind and solar schemes spreading across rural areas. North Lincolnshire Council is actively seeking feedback from residents on these proposals, and has launched an online questionnaire, while the authority's leader, Councillor Rob Waltham, has expressed concerns, saying the plans would "dilute protections" given to open countryside, and suggested the figure for the number of additional homes required in the area has been "plucked out of thin air".

READ MORE: Scunthorpe jewellers 'basking in the glory' as it beats nine other stores to be crowned the very best Keep up to date with all the latest breaking news and top stories from Scunthorpe with our free newsletter The proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system would see an increase in North Lincolnshire's required housing completions from 383 to 746 - an additional 363 homes a year. The consultation suggests, where housing numbers increase or decrease by 200 or more, Local Plans should be reviewed and put in place by December 2026. More details are available on the council's survey.

Cllr Waltham said: "These government proposals would see a radical change in the planning system and it is vital that local residents have their say. "In North Lincolnshire, we have proudly kept our promise.