The Celtics have been very busy this offseason with Brad Stevens making swift moves to reassemble the majority of his roster for a title repeat. With Summer League on the horizon and a couple of potential roster openings still remaining along with the future owners of the team, there’s plenty of ground to cover still so let’s get to a jam-packed mailbag. If you have questions about the Celtics or NBA , email brobb@masslive.

com or tweet @briantrobb Hi Brian, Current ownership has said that they will pay for competitive teams and championships. Do you have any sense of how much extra the team pulls in by going deep into the playoffs? (Thinking gate, concessions, memorabilia, etc.).

Either way it maybe be a drop in the bucket with the upcoming tax bill. Thanks. —Andy It’s a fascinating question but unlike salaries, we don’t get to see the inner workings of the organization from a financial standpoint.

I do know the Celtics do not make any money from concessions at the Garden (Bruins keep that money as part of their deal for renting it). However, it’s fair to assume that every additional playoff home game is worth several millions in added revenue, with the totals going up during each round as the ticket prices go up. Winning a title is clearly great for merchandise sales as well but the extend of which, we probably won’t ever know.

All of that stuff would help ease the blow of a big tax bill but certainly wouldn’t be enough to counteract a historic one that’s l.