There's no love lost between Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard. Just the other day, Gabbard came to the defense of JD Vance and made Kamala look like a fool in the process . She's hammered Biden and Kamala on the border crisis , and we cannot forget how she DESTROYED Kamala in the 2020 Democratic primary .

Watch her take on Kamala being the presumptive Democratic Party nominee now that Biden has dropped out of the race: Biden’s out, Kamala is in. Don’t be fooled: policies won’t change. Just like Biden wasn’t the one calling the shots, Kamala Harris won’t be either.

She is the new figurehead for the deep state and the maidservant of Hillary Clinton, queen of the cabal of warmongers. They will..

. pic.twitter.

com/pdwLQwJzR8 Ouch. And here's video of Gabbard obliterating Kamala: A thing of beauty.

MAIDSERVANT, holy s**t The fact the Clintons gave Kamala their endorsement won't dispell this notion. Baffles the mind @TheDemocrats chose Kamala after her debate with you. She was at 1% in the polls! 1 percent! The fix was in, and still is. Kamala was the box-checker, and nothing more.

And we can't get enough of Gabbard smacking her down. Harris needs to add Hilary to the ticket and it will be the "Cackles and Cankles" ticket!!! This made us giggle. And cringe a little bit.

You are so much better than Kamala And yet the Democratic Party has no use for Tusli. Can't imagine why. Tulsi is right.

Kamala will no more be in charge th.