Mahesh Bhatt says it takes courage to be a performer as he reacts to Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal labelled as a toxic film. Mumbai: Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal may have earned 1000 cr at the box office, but it has been equally criticised and labelled as a toxic film. There are many who openly slammed Animal and filmmaker Sandeep Reddy Vanga even indulged in a war of words with the ones who lashed out his film including Javed Akhtar.

Amid all the hullabaloo around Animal, Ranbir Kapoor’s father-in-law and filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt has strongly reacted to the film being slammed. Mahesh Bhatt in his interview with Hindustan Times said,” These are occupational hazards. You can’t have it both.

You stand in the sun, you get sunburnt.”. He further added, “That’s also part of entertainment.

.. It is a blood sport.

You get into the arena and there will be people celebrating you falling down and there will be people celebrating you triumphing. So that’s a part of it.” Mahesh Bhatt added the one who are getting criticised have chosen this life, “That’s why the world has very few performers and most of the people are spectators.

The world ultimately belongs to the creators, not to the ones who are just sitting out there and throwing brickbats at a good performer. It takes another kind of audacity to be a performer”. When Ranbir Kapoor had appeared on a podcast with Nikhil Kamath, he addressed the debate around Animal And said, “Social media played havoc.

They need something .