Magic the Gathering ’s most popular format Commander was hit by some shocking bans by the rules committee yesterday – and it’s having a real-world effect on collections as some of the most sought-after cards have lost enormous value overnight. In a post made by the Commander rules committee yesterday, it was announced that Mana Crypt, Dockside Extortionist, and Jewelled Lotus (alongside Nadu, Winged Wisdom) were all getting banned across the format. These cards have long been aspirational staples of the format – all incredibly powerful but instant-includes in your deck if you had them.

And with that came aspirational prices. According to European-focused auctionhouse CardMarket, these bans have had an enormous impact on price. Yesterday, Mana Crypt would run you around €153 at the least.

Now, that price is down to a one-day average of €47.69 . Jewled Lotus ran a cool €109, and it’s now at a €21.

59 one-day average . Meanwhile, Dockside Extortionist, which was running €79.99 at its lowest, is now selling for as low as €15 .

These prices continue to drop too. Obviously, this is an enormous amount of lost value for many collectors. Prized pulls from recent sets are now plummeting in price, made especially annoying as WotC has recently featured Mana Crypt in Lost Caverns of Ixalan and Jeweled Lotus in Commander Masters as chase cards.

(It’s important to note, the Commander Rules Committee is a separate entity to Wizards of the Coast and acts independently)..