Ahh . Every year we swear we are done with the drama and will no longer watch complete strangers uncover each other's neuroses and damage their ability to trust or love again beyond repair..

.and every year we also grab the popcorn, plonk down on the couch and feel smug about our own love lives as we watch the chaos unfold. While it's already been revealed that the 2025 season of has had its fair share of drama behind the scenes, an insider close to the show tells that there "has been quite a few hiccups filming the reality show for next year, with early reports of walkouts, tantrums and recasting rumours already plaguing the 12th season.

” That's on top of the fact that two exes were " and that two couples nearly got into a at the first dinner party - phew! Meanwhile, our source says “Melbourne groom Dave Thomas is amongst the casualties of the 2025 season" and that he "was left devastated after marrying a nightmare bride.” “Dave was calling friends and family frantically sending distress messages to his inner circle," the source tells . "Protesting and wanting to bail on the marriage ALREADY during his honeymoon on one of the popular islands off the coast of Australia.

” The groom allegedly believed that he was being "stitched up" and wanted to leave the show - after marrying his bride at Carriageworks in Sydney back in July. “He was calling people left right and centre and detailing his disappointment," the insider reveals. “The Melbournian specified during the .