EDITORIAL: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) released two positive macroeconomic indicators this Friday past – rise in exports and large-scale manufacturing (LSM) sector. Economists no doubt will zero in on three aspects of the trade data: (i) the subject title was advance release on external trade statistics for the month of August 2024, which implies provisional data, and this has been noted by the PBS in its narrative - a decision perhaps taken to disseminate a feel-good factor in the performance of the economy. In addition, State Bank of Pakistan that also uploads trade data has not updated this item on its website since July this year; (ii) the format is different from previous months with exports and imports not provided for easy comparison in one table.

Be that as it may, total provisional exports were estimated at 5.069 billion dollars July-August 2024, against 4.430 billion dollars in the same period of last year (a rise of 14.

42 percent this year compared to the year before), though imports rose to 8.750 billion dollars this year compared to 8.165 billion dollars in the same period of last year or, in other words, the trade deficit rose from 3.

735 billion dollars July-August last year to 4.32 billion dollars this year – a rise of nearly 16 percent. This would have to be filled by workers’ remittance inflows (estimated at 5936.

8 million dollars in July-August 2024); however, money is fungible and given the massive external repayments due this fiscal year the .