Grant Will Fund Studies in Lupus Nephritis, Pregnancy Outcomes, the Role of Genetics and Understanding Immune Response WASHINGTON , Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Lupus Foundation of America is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Gary S. Gilkeson Career Development Award (CDA) .

The two-year grant supports critical lupus research conducted by early career scientists and provides mentorship to guide their studies and help ensure future growth in the lupus research field. The 2024 recipients are: Abhimanyu Amarnani , MD, PhD , New York University Grossman School of Medicine Jessica English, MD, MSCR , Medical University of South Carolina John Huizar , MD , University of California, Berkeley Charlotte Hurabielle, MD, PhD , University of California, San Francisco "The Lupus Foundation of America's Gary S. Gilkeson Career Development Award is an incredibly important grant that makes a much needed investment in lupus research and the bright minds of the future," shared Karen H.

Costenbader , MD, MPH, Chair of the Lupus Foundation of America's Medical-Scientific Advisory Council. "Because they have the support and mentorship early on, early investigators supported by the Career Development Award continue to go on to make an incredible difference in lupus research, making impactful discoveries - and even starting on the path to becoming future mentors themselves." Research being conducted by this year's awardees focus on how changes in gut bacteria can contribute to lup.