Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) is retiring at the end of his term . ABC 17 News spoke with several candidates who are on the ballot in the Aug.

6 primary for the Third District seat. ABC 17 News anchor Meghan Drakas sat down with Luetkemeyer, who reflected on his time in office. Meghan Drakas: "Hi, Congressman.

How are you?" Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer: "I'm well. How are you this afternoon?" Drakas: "Very good.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to sit down with me. I appreciate it." Luetkemeyer: "My pleasure.

My pleasure." Drakas: "So, Congressman, to start off, how are you feeling as your final term is coming closer to an end?" Luetkemeyer: "Well, there's a lot of mixed feelings. Really because it's something I've worked hard for the last 16 years to be able to be in position that I am today, where I could possibly be the financial services chairman of the next term.

I've got, I had money in the bank for my reelection. The district was very favorable to me, so I could have continued on. But, you know, there comes a point in time whenever, you know, you weigh things a little differently and my family has always been at the center of all my decisions.

And right now it's time to make them the center of my life again. And so I have, you know, some mixed emotions about leaving all of the things I've worked for. But I'm excited for this next chapter.

You know, I waited till I was...

to my youngest child was a senior (in school) before I got involved .