The grieving parents of a tiny baby murdered by Lucy Letby have recounted the chilling moment she attempted to "savour their son's dying moments for herself". Giving an emotional statement, Child C's parents detailed how they held their dying son in their arms after realising he could not be saved. Doctors had spent nearly an hour desperately trying to resuscitate the infant, who suddenly deteriorated after Letby injected air into his stomach in June 2015.

As they faced an agonising five-hour wait for their sons pain to end and bid their farewells, twisted Letby arrived with a cold cot - used to preserve dead infants so their grieving parents can spend more time with them. In a statement provided to the Thirlwall Inquiry, the dad of Child C said he vividly remembered the nurse prompting him to put his son in the cold cot before curtly snapping back 'he's not dead yet'. READ MORE: Royal Exchange Theatre show was cancelled after pro-Palestine and trans rights row He said: "Reflecting on it now, I think she [Letby] was trying to savour my son's dying moments for herself, which fills me with both emotion and anger, had I not challenged her she would have further intruded on our private goodbye.

" Child C's mum added: "It's horrendous, knowing what we know now. It took us aback at the time because it didn't fit with the circumstances of what was happening - we were having this private and very difficult moment that went on for several hours. "My concern now is she wanted us to leav.