Lucy Letby was sentenced to life for the murders and attempted murders of babies/ Get the latest Scottish crime and courts news sent straight to your inbox with our daily Criminal Record newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest Scottish crime and courts news sent straight to your inbox with our daily Criminal Record newsletter We have more newsletters Hospital bosses at the institution where Lucy Letby worked "facilitated a mass murderer" after ignoring concerns raised, an inquiry has determined. A mother told the Thirlwall Inquiry that her baby girl's heartbreaking death in October 2015 could have been avoided "prompt and effective action" was taken after the deaths of three infants in June of that year. Sick child killer Letby injected air into Child I's stomach and bloodstream as she took her life after four heinous attempts at the Countess of Chester Hospital, reports the Mirror.

In a statement read on her behalf, Child I's mother told the inquiry: "I believe the doctors and nursing staff should have acted earlier and those in positions of authority at the hospital should have listened to them instead of trying to create their own narrative that Lucy Letby was a victim of bullying and harassment. "Someone should have investigated the concerns fully at the time. This is what management are paid so handsomely to do.

They shouldn't have been concentrating on saving their own skins and jobs and reputations. "Babies died because someone in an office being paid hundre.