BAKERSFIELD — Rain or shine, the Lucas James Williams Memorial Youth Fund is dedicated to providing area kids the space to be themselves and to have fun. In the coming months, the fund is looking to raise $20,000 to enclose its pavilion with partial siding and sliding barn doors so it can continue to host youth activities during inclement weather. Started by Rosalie Williams more than 20 years ago, the youth fund honors Williams’ son, a U.

S. Marine who died during a training exercise in Kuwait in 1998. “I just never thought anybody would benefit from Lucas dying,” Williams told the Messenger.

“But thousands and thousands have.” Since its founding, the fund has acquired more than 10 acres of land off of Waterville Mountain Road in Bakersfield. In 2019, the pavilion was built at the site, providing a structured space for events.

Gov. Phil Scott was there for its unveiling. All-year round, Williams welcomes students from area schools for full days of fun.

Campers use their imaginations to come up with their own games to play and help cook meals for their peers. “I do not believe in entertaining youth,” Williams said. “Have you ever bought your child a toy, and after 40 minutes, they're playing with the box? This property is an open box, and as long as they can use their mind and think of something to do, they will never be bored.

I've never heard a young person say they were bored there, and they keep asking to come back.” Toward the fundraising goal, the fun.