It was a glance that lasted mere seconds, yet Martina Navratilova was intrigued. The former Czech-American tennis legend was at a nightclub in Paris in 2000 when model Julia Lemigova locked eyes with her from across the room. They talked and then parted ways.

They would meet again by chance eight years later. Today, Navratilova and Lemigova have been married for 10 years. Here, we look back at the story between the power couple and their great love.

READ MORE: Don Bradman's 'love at first sight' moment came at age 12 Lemigova, a former Russian beauty queen, had hoped she sent a clear message when she glanced over at Navratilova on the first night they met. "I looked at her and gave her a look across the bar: 'You have to come and talk to me,'" she recalled in a 2023 interview . "It was a second and I turned away.

She received the message. She came to talk to me and introduced herself. "But unfortunately, that was the end of our moment.

Something could have happened, but it didn't." Sparks didn't fly that day, yet fate would step in. Eight years to the very day of their first meeting, Navratilova and Lemigova met again.

READ MORE: 'You have been my rock': Rebecca Gibney's 22-year marriage "We bumped into each other in the players' restaurant," Lemigova told the New York Post in 2022. "I literally bumped into her with a tray of food. She remembered me.

And I asked her to have breakfast with me the next day. "Then we had another breakfast the next day and then one more bre.