Love Love Island? Our Factor 50 email brings all the goss direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Love Love Island? Our Factor 50 email brings all the goss direct to your inbox We have more newsletters As she continues on her path of self-repair and self-love, former Love Islander Malin Andersson has been forced to take a long, hard look at the way she’s lived her life. After suffering what she now knows is childhood trauma, with an “emotionally unavailable” mum and a deceased dad, the 31 year old went down a path of pricey cosmetic surgeries, substance abuse, and self loathing. She also then suffered the devastating loss of her baby Consy, who died four weeks after her premature birth in December 2018 , sending her into an even darker spiral.

But now she’s a changed woman, she tells OK! in our exclusive chat , and as well as enjoying a new romance with Swedish wellness expert Jim Sundgren - she’s just introduced him to her daughter, two-year-old Xaya - she’s also determined to spread positivity but also a warning about the so-called Love Island look. Where do you think the pressure to look a certain way comes from? I think we’ve all been given the wrong solution to the problem of not feeling happy. It’s always been to look outside ourselves; to look a certain way or go buy things that make us “happy”.

That's literally what we've been fed since we were kids, but it’s the opposite. It's actually to go inwards and to go inside of ourselves and figure.