Manual stamping of passports "is time consuming...

and does not allow a systematic detection of overstayers,” says the EU. Passport stamps are badges of honour for many travellers, creating a nostalgic paper trail of their adventures. But will soon be a thing of the past when entering the .

The new automated (EES), due to launch on 10 November 2024, will register non-EU visitors digitally, removing the need for physical stamps. “EES will replace the current system of manual stamping of , which is time consuming, does not provide reliable data on border crossings and does not allow a systematic detection of overstayers,” reads a statement from the European Commission’s department for Migration and Home Affairs. The EES will be an automated IT system for registering travellers from third countries who are visa exempt or hold short-stay .

Each time a person crosses an EU external border, the system will register their name, type of travel document, biometric data (fingerprints and facial images) and the date and place of entry and exit. It will also record refusals of entry. It is hoped the automated checks and self-service systems will improve security in the EU and be quicker for travellers.

However, the airline industry and various countries have said a lack of preparation could cause teething problems when the system is introduced. It was originally due to launch in 2022. Authorities have now announced it will .

Under the new system, travellers with to the Schengen Ar.