Aries : Today, you are advised to be versatile when it comes to love and relationships. It may be time for a change in routine; therefore, surrender your control and allow your partner to be the boss. Such a move will not only make your partner happy but will also make you discover new events you would not find attractive.

The readiness to compromise and submit to current affairs will help build up your relations and attain new insights into your partner. Taurus : Your heart and mind pull in two different directions today, and you must find the middle ground. Though passion is in your heart, reason is needed in your feelings with others.

At times, you may go through the dilemma between doing what you want to do and doing what is rational. Policing your emotions may not be easy due to the internal conflict this would put you through. Convey your emotions openly, which might help your partner stay contented.

Gemini : Whenever you try to settle down an aspect concerning the relationship, the other person seems immune. Their demeanour makes it clear that they are not in the mood for a deep conversation. Just let them be instead of trying to force them into speaking to you.

Emphasise self-reflective processes and changes. Wait for the opportune moment. Meanwhile, try to shower them with a random gesture or a word of encouragement.

Cancer : Assuming responsibility in a relationship is essential for couples. What you do or fail to do in the partnership determines the success of the .