Aries : It's the ideal day to show off your charm in social situations. Your energy is high; hence, people will easily be drawn to you. If you're single, don't be afraid to converse with someone you find interesting.

Flirting is a great way to build confidence and is useful for finding a date. Remember why you two are together by incorporating humour into your conversations if you're in a relationship. Be lighthearted and have fun.

Taurus : The cosmos brings energy, pushing you to be yourself. As Mercury and Venus align, the relationship has a strong energy for effective communication. Now is the right moment to express any pent-up feelings.

In this situation, speaking the truth will be the wisest course of action, especially for those in a relationship. Singles, communicate your feelings to the person you like and list your questions and potential worries. Gemini : Those recuperating from a recent breakup should anticipate pleasant energy as the stars are aligned for a happy day.

You probably feel optimistic and prefer a fresh start if you recently ended a relationship. The stars align to help you rediscover who you are and welcome your newfound freedom. This is the ideal time to reflect on and improve oneself.

If committed, you will likely have greater security and contentment with your companion. Cancer : The stars predict that single souls will have difficulty courting people when attempting to get their attention. You may encounter some resistance to your kind nature.
