Let’s talk about love and looks, folks, and the planet Venus. Etymologically, Venus derives from the Latin word for desire — and in relation to fashion and aesthetics, the planet informs both what we’re drawn to and who and what we attract, fabrics and f–k boys alike . Venus is named for the Roman goddess of love and fertility.

The feminine counterpart to warlord Mars, Venus was born from sea foam and the severed schlong of Uranus, emerging tits out in a scallop shell — with bliss as her governing principle. Hear, hear. In-kind and in the name of good lighting, Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra — governing all the feel-good, look-good things like personal style, values, finances, interior design preferences, and romantic ‘type.

’ As we enter into the cinnamon-scented, velvet-appointed parlors of Libra season, the time is nigh to do a little deep dive (not too deep — everyone knows Libra would rather keep it topical) into the relationship between Venus and style. Use a birth chart calculator like this one to find your Venus sign . Once you’ve added your details, your Venus sign will populate within the zodiac wheel.

The symbol for Venus is a squat cross topped with a circle. To help you leverage the power of your Venus sign is astrologer Antonella, a zodiac compatibility expert at Psychic World . She shares, “As the seasons change, it’s the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe and align with the magnetic energy of your Venus sign, which has.