Protect coloured hair with these caring products Olaplex, from €29.50, Redken Extreme Anti-Snap Treatment, €27.

50, Christophe Robin Baby Blonde Shade Variation mask, 38, Chanel Les Beiges Bronzing Cream, €55, arnotts.

ie Dreamy Creamy Whipped Bronzer, €21, If you’re a normal person, you probably know how you like your hair and tend to keep it that way throughout the year. If, however, you are easily bored and distracted like me, you may find that as the weather changes, you’re desperate to do something different with your locks.

The beauty industry certainly enjoys telling us with each season that certain hair colours match each section of the year. I’m not sure I buy into that or any seasonal beauty rules, but sometimes it’s nice to make your hair a little spookier for Halloween, or in keeping with the colours of the leaves as they depart the trees. With that in mind, here are some ideas for autumnal hair colour: Copper-haired 'Mad Men' star Christina Hendricks.

Photo: Getty Copper There is something inherently witchy about copper hair, and I mean that in the best way. It feels magical and otherworldly, and somehow powerful via its lasting pigment and striking look. According to author and occultist Montague Summers, in the middle-ages red hair was associated with witches, werewolves and vampires — how cool! Thus, this is an ideal hair colour for the time of year when everyone embraces the spirit of spo.