Award-winning filmmaker David Lynch, renowned for his surrealist films, including “Eraserhead,” “Blue Velvet,” and “Mulholland Drive,” has revealed that he was diagnosed with a chronic lung disease. “I have to say that I enjoyed smoking very much, and I do love tobacco—the smell of it, lighting cigarettes on fire, smoking them—but there is a price to pay for this enjoyment, and the price for me is emphysema,” he wrote. Lynch noted that he stopped smoking more than two years ago.

“Recently I had many tests and the good news is that I am in excellent shape except for emphysema,” he added. “I’ve gotten emphysema from smoking for so long and so I’m homebound whether I like it or not. And now, because of COVID, it would be very bad for me to get sick, even with a cold,” he told the publication, adding that he “can only walk a short distance before [running] out of oxygen.

” As a result of his lung disease, Lynch said that he would consider making films remotely moving forward “if it comes to it,” adding that he “wouldn’t like that so much.” Following his remarks, internet users began to speculate about Lynch’s ability to continue working, leading the esteemed filmmaker to clarify that he was not planning on leaving the entertainment industry. “I am filled with happiness, and I will never retire,” he wrote in his recent X post.

“I want you all to know that I really appreciate your concern.” According to Lynch’s IMDb webpage, .