Thankfully there are a few options for those with this criteria in mind, with beaches that combine smaller numbers of people with picturesque views. If you're planning your next trip to the beach in Dorset here are five of the best secluded ones to visit. Worbarrow Bay is definitely one to keep in mind if you want a quieter beach experience, thanks to the unusual way it is accessed.

The only way to get to it is a short walk from the village of Tyneham which takes about 20 minutes. Worbarrow Bay, Tyneham village and the Lulworth Ranges are managed by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) which uses it as an Army training ground. For operational and safety reasons, access to the area is restricted to specific times, however, they are open most weekends and school holidays, states.

Exact times can be found on the , which ensures when the beach is open it doesn't tend to attract too many visitors. Due to these restrictions, it doesn't have any toilet facilities or lifeguards on hand but it is an ideal spot for a dip in the sea and some sunbathing. Located not too far away from West Bay, Eype Beach is "less well-known" than most other spots on the South West Coast Path, states.

The shingle beach sits beneath the Golden Cap and is described as "a haven for dog walkers" as they are allowed on all year round. Due to it being a shelving beach, it can be quite steep for people entering the water, so caution is advised and only strong swimmers are recommended to go out there. Overall, it is sai.