It’s been a funny few weeks for Corey Feldman. After hitting the road with Limp Bizkit for arguably his biggest guitar shows to date, the actor-turned-guitarist was targeted by TikTok trolls after his chaotic playing went viral. His off-the-wall soloing style quickly caught the attention of many internet commenters, .

Such claims were, of course, completely inaccurate, and to play into the absurdness of it all, . In an upcoming interview with , the aspiring shredder discusses his life-long experience with social media trolls, and responds to the widespread negativity that his guitar playing received online. “To be honest, it comes from a hate campaign that started probably about the time I decided to come forward with some of the information about the bad things that happened to me as a kid,” Feldman says, referencing allegations he made regarding widespread abuse of child actors in show business.

“The timing was right when my music started blowing up, and as a result, they felt the best way to hurt me was to make up stories about me, to paint me in a bad light, and make me look unprofessional, illegitimate, and paint a frame around me that I was crazy.” Yet despite the fact that his playing that has been called out, picked apart and heavily scrutinized, Feldman hopes some good can come from the whole situation. “I love the fact that there's all these videos on YouTube that show you how to play whatever song you want,” he says.

“That has literally changed the .