A park which had been neglected for more than 10 years is now officially one of the country's best thanks to the incredible work of volunteers to reveal its outstanding natural beauty to visitors while maintaining it as a wildlife haven. Longsight Park in Harwood has been awarded the coveted Community Green Flag Award, the international quality mark for parks and green spaces. Rivington Terraced Gardens which underwent a multi-million pound transformation was also recognised - with two prestigious 'Green Flag' awards.

The transformation of the park has been led by the Friends of Harwood and Longsight Park and has included new pathways, benches and much more. Member of the voluntary organisation, Jane Wilcock said: "Thankyou to Friends of Harwood and Longsight Park who have put so much energy into improving this previously neglected park for over a decade. "This is our fifth Community Green Flag Award and shows we have attained international park standards yet again.

"We started off cleaning up the park, filling the gap in decaying infrastructure due to reduced park budgets, balancing the flora and UK mammals habits with people and moving the park up to an enjoyable experience for all." She added: "Please volunteer with your nearest green space, give financially if able, encourage other parks to gain their Community Green Flags but mainly get out and enjoy our green spaces and make them welcoming for everyone." Now people can enjoy the natural wonder of the park which is home .