One of the more welcome revelations of recent times is that restaurants have finally wised up to the fact that there’s more to eating outside than cramming a handful of rickety tables and chairs onto the pavement and hoping no one falls in front of a passing black cab. Of course, pubs have always done a good line in beer gardens while those restaurants blessed with a garden, such as Frederick’s in , have achieved loyal followings for their alfresco. But there’s something about a restaurant terrace that fits those first few days of summer when even the slightest boost in vitamin D seems to make Londoners break out in spontaneous smiles.

There are whole streets now devoted to the art of alfresco: take a saunter along in or Heddon Street in or a spin around in King’s Cross and every spare piece of paving is set with a table ready for lunch. But below we’ve selected the restaurants that have gone the extra mile when it comes to catering for diners eating outdoors, whether with awnings and parasols for when the sun shines and blankets and heaters for cooler evenings, the amount of space dedicated to open-air dining or simply the fact that the loveliness of the experience is a reminder that London is one of the most beautiful cities on earth when the sun shines. So from a table by the Thames to dinner with a view of the capital’s skyline or peerless people watching, here are the best restaurant terraces in London.

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