Amy Wareham, 47, experienced no symptoms except occasional headaches until she had a sudden seizure on a trip to New York, US, in May 2023. She was blue-lighted to New York Presbyterian Hospital and was given a CT scan and MRI which showed she had two lesions on her brain. Further scans revealed Amy had a glioblastoma multiforme - a fast-growing tumour - and underwent emergency neurosurgery on June 12, 2023.

Amy has undergone radiotherapy and is coming to the end of her chemotherapy. City Lawyer in asset management, Amy, from the City of London, said: "At the moment, I am relatively very well. I have come a long way since my first and last seizure in May last year.

Amy has undergone radiotherapy. (Image: SWNS) "Then, I was very scared and had a whirlwind of appointments and scans. Now, things have calmed down and I am taking it day by day.

"My last MRI was stable. Aside from quarterly MRI scans, I have Avastin infusions fortnightly and chemotherapy monthly. "The chemotherapy thankfully is oral and I have been tolerating it well.

" Since her diagnosis, Amy married her now-husband, Bruce in August 2023 and instead of gifts asked for donations to The Brain Tumour Charity. The shock of her diagnosis inspired Amy to fundraise and set up a supporter group called The Amy Wareham Fund - raising £90,000 for research into high-grade brain tumours. She said: “I have been awed and amazed at the very generous support from my family, friends and professional network.

The Amy Wareham Fund.