The 2024 League of Legends LCS Championship ended after pro team Team Liquid had their base destroyed by minions in a nail-biting final series. League of Legends is a competitive game at its core, since the goal of any match is to take down the enemy team’s nexus, it’s a head-to-head battle to see which squad is superior. This is even more so in professional play, where careers, money, and major opportunities are on the line.

This includes opportunities like playing in Worlds each year, which requires players to travel overseas and face off against the best of the best in each region. But before they can do that, they need to win their respective regions, which teams FlyQuest and Team Liquid hoped to do during the LCS championship . This fearsome series ended up in a nail-biting finisher, with both teams desperately trying to end the game.

However, it was FlyQuest who took home the win, after Team Liquid’s base was completely demolished by minions. CHAMPIONSHIP WINIONS #LCS pic.twitter.

com/7KiQLKQp8u After winning the final team fight of the fourth match, Team Liquid was looking to push in and take down FlyQuest’s base. With just top laner Bwipo alive, FlyQuest’s fate was looking all but sealed. There was no way for Bwipo to defend the base, especially with all of Team Liquid sprinting down mid lane to take the win.

But Liquid failed to realize that they had forgotten about their bottom lane inhibitor and nexus towers which had all been destroyed. To make matters ev.