The First Nations communities in Saskatchewan have united in annual gatherings to heal from the past and embrace the future. The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) and Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head, Lean Man First Nation (MGBHLM), gathered to host the fourth Annual Traditional Health Gathering (THG) at the MGBHLM Powwow Grounds from Aug.19 to Aug.

23. This year, the gathering welcomes 300 Indigenous youth aged 12-17 to learn about traditional healing practices through knowledge exchanges with elders. The opening follows a week of festivities, including round dances, Powwow on the Ridge, and presentations by First Nation excellencies, including actor Adam Beach, Nathaniel Arcand, and comedian Don Burnstick.

“This is an opportunity for our families to come together, regardless of age or race, to participate in this ceremony, take care of our spirits, and be part of our growth and healing,” said Tanya Aguilar-Antiman, the chief of MGBHLM. “To allow our people and the new generations to recognize and acknowledge some of those dark pasts we had is a big part of healing,” she said. As youth are the future, David Pratt, the vice chief of FSIN, pointed out that to break the generational cycle of alcohol and drug usage, the new youth leaders from different nations need to be role models.

“Living a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle is so important as it is what is killing our young people today. Every week, we’re burying someone because of it,” Pratt said. �.