It’s hard to believe that Liz Earle, the wellbeing guru so many of us have grown up with, is a grandmother. Another hat to add to many others: beauty brand founder, former farmer, MBE, mother of five..

. If ever there was a poster girl for living well, Liz is it. Warm, smiley, vivacious, she oozes vitality that belies her years.

“At 61, I am healthier, happier, fitter, stronger than I have ever been in my life,” she says. That life is split between the Dorset countryside and London. The former is her sanctuary: “It’s incredibly rural where I live – rolling hills, woodland and working farms.

Having been an I have huge respect for our food providers.” She shares her home with her 14-year-old son, who she tries to keep out of the public eye. New mum 33-year-old Lily is down the road, Guy, 31, Brella, 23, and Kit, 22, are dotted around, but are always coming and going.

She’s close to her London-based parents and never visits without taking her latest wonder-discovery. “They say, ‘How many more things can we take?’ and I say, ‘But you’re thriving!’” Liz, too, is thriving, but things were very different a few years ago. She was stressed from selling her business, battling her changing hormones, worrying about Lily, who had been very poorly, and trying to recover from a broken second marriage.

With her self-esteem at rock bottom, she needed to make changes. She immersed herself in the surroundings of her new home: in the early sunlight and taking soul-so.