Aug. 13 Receipts: 1,285 Steers: (200-300) $343-$410; (300-400) $312-$380; (400-500) $273-$358; (500-600) $254-$300 (600-700) $236-$258; (700 and over) $219-$243. Heifers: (under 200) $340-$400; (200-300) $302-$355; (300-400) $277-$335; (400-500) $254-$333; (500-600) $245-$290; (600-700) $232-$253; (700 and over) $205-$238.

Slaughter cows: High dressing, $135-$150; lower dressing, $120-$128; thin, $105-$112. Slaughter bulls: High dressing, $159-$170; low dressing, $140-$149. Bred cows: $2,100-$2,800.

Aug. 13 Cattle on Hand: 1,053 Compared to last sale: Calf market was stronger. Packer cows and bulls sold $1 to $2 higher.

Demand is strong. Sign up to get our free daily email of the biggest stories! Packer cows: Canner and cutter cows, $132-$149; utility and fat cows, $120-$134; light weight canner cows, $110-$125; poor and weak cows, $90-115. Packer bulls: Heavyweight bulls, $156-$175; utility and cutter bulls, $135-$157; light weight canner bulls, $120-$135.

Stocker and feeder calves and yearlings: No. 1 steer and bull calves, (under 200) $330-$400; (200-300) $335-$400; (300-400) $325-$380; (400-500) $280-$375; (500-600) $240-$290; (600-700) $230-$260; (700-800) $220-$247.50.

No. 1 Heifer calves: (under 200) $310-$400; (200-300) $290-$360; (300-400) $270-$340; (400-500) $250-$295; (500-600) $230-$280; (600-700) $215-$252.5; (700-800) $220-$247.

5. Stocker cows: (medium) $1,250-$2,150; (good cow and calf pairs) $2,700; (medium cow and calf pairs) $1,800. Replacement heifers (350.